

We have a wide range of Laboratory Services for the oil industry complying with international regulations and local requirements, including the identification of analysis requirements, sampling, preservation and disposal.

These services also include:

  • Chemical analysis, available every day 24 hours.
  • Product Quality Certification.
  • Sampling and preparation of volumetric compound.
  • Technical assistance in products mixture.
  • Technical assistance for resolution of operational problems.


Our strategically located laboratory offers prompt responses and reliable results. We also participate in interlaboratory or round-robin programs under the auspices of the Argentine Institute for Standardization and Certification and other international agencies such as the Institute for Interlaboratory Studies.

We have highly trained personnel and state-of-the-art equipment verified under a strict control and calibration system, operated under international standards, complying our quality control programs that include systematic methodologies to ensure and guarantee service.



Camin Cargo Control Argentina has a Quality Control Laboratory located in the city of Campana, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Laboratory processes are audited through the application of a quality administration, composed primarily of the Quality Director, who oversees for the healthy application of international and local disposals, concerning the assurance of the quality of the services received by clients.

The interpretation of the fulfillment of our clients requirements is carried out through the
requirements requested by ISO 9001/2015 for testing laboratory certification. It has been structured based on the implementation of these standards.

In conjunction with the management of all areas, the Quality Director adds manuals so that the objectives, policies, systems, programs, procedures and instructions are available and applied by the appropriate personnel. All this additional Quality documentation forms an integral part of the Quality system.

Camin Cargo Control Argentina’s Quality Management System follows the established guidelines
in the ISO 9001/2015 standard and specifically establishes how the quality requirements, policies and objectives applied within the organization are met.

The scope of the Quality Management System under the international standard ISO 9001/2015 covers the performance of petroleum derivative tests, extreme in ASTM standards.


Camin Cargo Contro Argetina no desarrolla métodos propios para la realización de los ensayos, ni utiliza métodos no normalizados ya que se basa específicamente y únicamente en normas internacionales ASTM,IP,ISO. CCC Ag. S.A. valída los métodos que utiliza por medio de muestras de fuel oil, diesel oil, naftas, jet fuel y biodiesel enviadas para análisis de intercomparaciones con el IRAM (Instituto Argentino para la Normalización y Certificación) y el IIS (Institute for Interlaboratory Studies); los reportes de estas muestras señalan los límites de detección, reproducibilidad, robustez, linealidad, selectividad, repetitividad que permite comprobar que el equipo y el personal esté cumpliendo por lo establecido por los métodos.


Camin Cargo Control Argentina carry out hydrocarbons and/or fuel tests (Gas, Fuel Oil, Gasoil, Biodiesel, Petroleum, among others) under internationally standardized methodologies, such as ASTM, IP, ISO.

Additionally, it produces a series of tests that include instrumental technology such as: gas chromatography, infrared spectroscopy, dispersive wavelength X-ray spectrometry, atomic absorption, among others.

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